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Enrollment Information

Adult Enrollment
Kiamichi Tech operates on a traditional school calendar with the school year starting in August. Some career majors may have quarterly openings for students to start throughout the year, if space is available. Applications for Admissions will be accepted starting in April for the following fall semester.
Admission is based on completing all of the following steps: (exceptions include Practical Nursing and Emergency Medical Services – EMT & Paramedic, Short-Term Classes and Online Classes)
  • Completing the Adult Application for Admissions
  • Completing a career interest inventory
  • Completing entrance assessment pre-tests
  • Applying for financial aid or other funding sources
  • Meeting with a Kiamichi Tech career advisor

Completion of the application for admissions does not constitute admission to Kiamichi Tech or placement on a waiting list for a career major that may be full at the time the application is made.
  • If an applicant meets local program criteria recommendations, and space is available, the applicant is notified by letter that they have been accepted and pre-enrolled.
  • If an applicant meets local program criteria recommendations, but space is not available, the applicant is notified by letter that they have been placed on a waiting list and will be contacted by phone when an opening occurs.
  • If an applicant does not meet the career major criteria recommendations, a career advisor will contact the applicant and provide a referral for free tutoring in the Career Connections Center. 

Adult students are responsible for paying tuition. If a third party, such as Dynamic Workforce, Department of Rehabilitation Services, Veterans Affairs, Worker’s Comp, TAA, Bureau of Indian Affairs or Kiamichi Tech’s Steps to Success Tuition Scholarship is paying a student’s training costs, verification of sponsorship &/or proof of funding must be presented prior to beginning class.

For questions and assistance on applying for admissions to Kiamichi Tech, you may contact the Kiamichi Tech campus you wish to attend.


High School Student Enrollment
Kiamichi Tech operates on a traditional school calendar with the school year starting in August. Some career majors may have semester openings for students to start mid-year, if space is available. Applications for Admissions will be accepted starting in December for the following fall semester.
Admission is based on completing all of the following steps:

  • Completing the High School Application for Admissions
  • Completing entrance assessment pre-tests, ACT, or ACT PLAN
  • Completing a career interest inventory, if needed
  • Meeting with a Kiamichi Tech career advisor and answering interview questions

Completion of the application for admissions does not constitute admission to Kiamichi Tech or placement on a waiting list for a career major that may be full at the time the application is made.
  • If an applicant meets local program criteria recommendations, and space is available, the applicant is notified by letter that they have been accepted and pre-enrolled.
  • If an applicant meets local program criteria recommendations, but space is not available, the student is notified by letter that they have been placed on a waiting list and will be contacted by phone when an opening occurs.
  • If an applicant does not meet the career major criteria recommendations, a career advisor will contact the applicant and provide options.

High school students are not responsible for paying tuition. However, additional fees, such as, uniforms or supplies are the responsibility of the student. Graduating seniors may apply for the Kiamichi Tech Steps to Success Tuition Scholarship. Each senior that graduates will have two years after graduation to use the Tuition Scholarship. 

For questions and assistance on applying for admissions to Kiamichi Tech, you may contact the Kiamichi Tech you wish to attend. Local high school counselors are also provided information on Kiamichi Tech’s admission process.